
Brain thing meme

I saw this on planet.fedoraproject and thought I’d give it a spin.

Had to answer 20 questions and I ended up with:

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 37%
Visual : 62%
Left : 55%
Right : 44%

Naresh, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic. You probably tend to do most things in moderation, but not always.

Your left-hemisphere dominance implies that your learning style is organized and structured, detail oriented and logical. Your visual preference, though, has you seeking stimulation and multiple data. Such an outlook can overwhelm structure and logic and create an almost continuous state of uncertainty and agitation. You may well suffer a feeling of continually trying to “catch up” with yourself.

Your tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford you success regardless of your chosen field of endeavor. You can “size up” situations and take in information rapidly. However, you must then subject that data to being classified and organized which causes you to “lose touch” with the immediacy of the problem.

Your logical and methodical nature hamper you in this regard though in the long run it may work to your advantage since you “learn from experience” and can go through the process more rapidly on subsequent occasions.

You remain predominantly functional in your orientation and practical. Abstraction and theory are secondary to application. In keeping with this, you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the “larger whole.”

With regards to your career choices, you have a mentality that would be good as a scientist, coach, athlete, design consultant, or an engineering technician. You can “see where you want to go” and even be able to “tell yourself,” but find that you are “fighting yourself” at the darndest times.

Curious.  (heh)

College Life Entertainment Gymkhana LAN Linux/BSD Software

Been a while again!

So, I’ve been away from blogging for a while now. Several things have happened around me during this period.

Formation of the SSCVC:

We called for what might have been the first informal Anime-club meet at the campus. Most of were present (bheekling was asleep) and presented our idea for forming a formal club under the Students’ Gymkhana. We hadn’t thought of a name yet and we hadn’t met people either. The following weekend, we arranged for a show in the hall1 TV room. We were a little late and some people had turned back. But then, we went and called some people to come and watch :D. We screened the first two episodes of “NHK ni youkoso” and “GITS: GIG 1”. (Lord Vash’s wide-screen and , BigBong’s laptop were used). We couldn’t bear it anymore and basilisk and I decided to meet Amitabha Mukherjee (a prof. in the CSE dept., who we reportedly heard from Nishant Singh that he was into anime(!), which turned out to be false). He pointed us to Satyaki Roy’s direction >_>. Next stop was Suchitra Mathur ;). Bheekling got us appointment and LordVash, himself and I met her. She was interested with the plan and all that and we still hadn’t come up with the name. I remembered Genshiken and how it was about an anime club. I quickly googled to get its full-form. It was the SSMVC – Society for Study of Modern Visual Culture. In a day, we met with Satyaki and he suggested that we change it to SSCVC – Society for Study of Contemporary Visual Culture. Woah! We still haven’t put out our proposal for the club yet. Hopefully the iitk-animesociety should help us out here 😉

Revamp of my data:

I have two hard-disks. Started off with a Samsung 160GB SATA disk three years ago. It had a warranty of period of one year as compared to Seagate and I yet went with it :\. Something I soon realised was that Samsung and LG were these two Korean companies that dumped junk in India for a while (only recently have they set up their own plants in the country and get decent products). Another thing being – to not buy computer products such as hard-disks, motherboards or CPUs in Kanpur (and maybe in the whole of UP!) . One – I have personally come across cases where a dealer takes screwed up disks from you, refurnishes them and sell them to someone else. Same is the case with mobos and CPUs. A model of RAM you bought at one time won’t be available a few months later (suppose you have 512MB and wanted another identical stick – tough luck).

Some time ago (during the summers, I think), I had repartitioned my data and set up ZFS via FUSE on linux. Wasn’t production ready and very shaky at times. Couldn’t share my whole data on DC++. During the past few days, basilisk had tried to install Gentoo and ended up cleaning up his 250Gb harddisk with Ubuntu :P. I transferred all my Anime, Movie and TV onto his disk, the Music went into a confidential location. Set up four partitions on my reliable ATA Seagate disk, one Boot, one Root (20GB), one Swap and one large Home. The other unreliable disk is one big reisrefs partition 🙂 Removed my FreeBSD and that extended partition windows had created. I had played around with FreeBSD too to get good ZFS performance before I removed it. Updated to 7.0-CURRENT and zpool segfaulted at zpool import :\ Considering the hassles I’d have to go through if I had stuck with FreeBSD amd64, I decided to stay with Linux itself. If at all I need to experiment with any of those at a later point of time, they’ll be on a different hardware :X! (Notes: don’t ask me how I went to 7.0-CURRENT from within the campus)


Yes, I’ve been eating mostly in the canteen or at the gate. I spent a lot of money. Just for food. (I payed off my earlier debts too)


I haven’t been to classes for a couple of weeks. It’s a bad thing. It suddenly turned cold here and you feel like staying in your bed like nothing else’s important. Exams are coming soon – 8th Oct.! I have to do whatever has to be done. This sucks 😐 For now, I should try not to waste time on anything else (:P).

College Life Navya

So… what’s been happening?

Yes, it’s true – I did sleep for over 27 hours at one go.
I remember closing my eyes at 4 am on 14th of August only open them at 7:55 am of 15th.

I’ve been attending classes, trying my best not to miss any. LT601 – Introduction to Lasers, by H. Wanare is an interesting course. The course outline says:

You will be penalized 1% of the total for a missed lecture below the 80% gross attendance with a maximum of 15 %. Any absence can be condoned only when you have obtained official leave from the DUGC/DPGC.

Well, not a bad deal given that the classes are at 10 am (thank god it isn’t 8)

PSY458 – Organisational and Administrative Psychology. The professor is a cool one. Lectures are mostly interesting.
CS455 – Introduction to Software Engineering, by TVP. A lot of talk happens in the one-and-a-half hour lectures. The professor is easily derailed and it isn’t a good thing.

As part of the CCCC in the campus, we had a meeting yesterday and the CC would like to get hold of around 20 students who’ll need to make themselves useful for managing various issues in the CC after the recent Gymkhana decisions on LAN ban and stuff.
Did I mention that Navya will be getting a /new/ server with 8GB ram and a dual core AMD64 with somewhere around 350GB storage? 😀 Server class!

Later in the evening we had a Navya meet and spread the good news. Kapil Shukla, an alumni showed up. He was delighted to see the state of Navya. A lot of things have been happening – LDAP, Jabber, and so on. We’ve not publicised them well enough to get a sizeable user-base yet. That should happen soon.