College Life Exams Personal Worldly Matters

Observations in life – 1.

I have a lot of things to talk about.
Some might call me a loner. We’re busy students here. Our time tables are different and therefore when one is free the other might not be free. Most of the times the breakfast/lunch/dinner times are the only chances we get to interact. When you’re free either you lock yourself up in the room and listen to crap for limitless periods of time or watch anime till you exhaust all the episodes out.

Some, like me, like a lot of over-the-internet socialising -mostly shouting at and getting shouted at by fellow orkuteers. The internet is a big place. Some say the internet made the world smaller. To me it looks like my world has just got bigger. People. They come in all sizes and shapes; and yet there are always cases where you can find similarities among people. These similarities are so ubiquitous that we tend to generalize most of the time without examining the depth of similarity among people who we’re upto generalizing about. Orkut is a big external thing. We have internal newsgroups in the campus. A lot of funny stuff goes on there. Slashdot and similar sites are great ways
to keep in touch with the rest of the world.

By the way, my exams ended today 😛

I’ll be back.


Test using flock!

this is a test.

i’m using a feature provided in Flock.

let’s check it out then 😀

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College Life Exams

Am I dreaming?

Howdy old *******s :D,

tomorrow is my PSY152 exam! I’ve missed my two ENG123 classes this week. I feel a little bad about it but you don’t get to watch LOTR the night before more than once do you?
One of my friends who’s doing PHI441 (advanced: philosophy!) came over to my room, the fan in his room wasn’t working and as most of you’d know it’s *burning* here in Kanpur (go to Goa people, enjoy the beaches, don’t come to land-locked hellish places like this one), and began to give me a lecture on one of his PHI topics –The “brain in the vat” “thing”, he asked me, how do you know whether you’re dreaming or not as I’m talking to you?… … … hmm, that was interesting.
You know what’s stange about this post?
1. I haven’t posted all this time so this is something that has come afer a long time.
2. tomorrow is my PSY152 exam.
3. am i still dreaming?

just to finish off this dream’s topping, the much awaited screenshot! 😀