Worldly Matters

Wikipedia? Broke(not financially)?

You must have come across articles related to the incident in wikipedia and Wikia.
Quoting from another blog,

Wikipedia’s trust issues are in the spotlight once again, with a scandal roiling over the revelation that Essjay, a respected administrator of the site, falsely claimed to be a tenured professor of theology.

And, guess what? The article in question is something like “Catholicism for Dummies“.
What the heck? The whole of wikipedia gets a bad name for something like that? Isn’t that downright silly considering that developing nations like India or Brazil rely on the wikipedia for a host of other non-theological information? I request my fellow countrymen to ignore all this hoopla over nothing and continue to use and contribute to wikipedia. The sight of wikipedia losing to such an pointless issue is not worth seeing.
In the name of anarchy. Hail Wikipedia!

College Life Exams Personal Worldly Matters

Observations in life – 1.

I have a lot of things to talk about.
Some might call me a loner. We’re busy students here. Our time tables are different and therefore when one is free the other might not be free. Most of the times the breakfast/lunch/dinner times are the only chances we get to interact. When you’re free either you lock yourself up in the room and listen to crap for limitless periods of time or watch anime till you exhaust all the episodes out.

Some, like me, like a lot of over-the-internet socialising -mostly shouting at and getting shouted at by fellow orkuteers. The internet is a big place. Some say the internet made the world smaller. To me it looks like my world has just got bigger. People. They come in all sizes and shapes; and yet there are always cases where you can find similarities among people. These similarities are so ubiquitous that we tend to generalize most of the time without examining the depth of similarity among people who we’re upto generalizing about. Orkut is a big external thing. We have internal newsgroups in the campus. A lot of funny stuff goes on there. Slashdot and similar sites are great ways
to keep in touch with the rest of the world.

By the way, my exams ended today 😛

I’ll be back.

College Life Exams Worldly Matters

A Power-cut

Looks like I’m back again after a long break. The place where I’m currently in, there’re hardly any power-cuts, and very brief ones. But, today was different, it was just like that one which had taken place at around the same part of last semester. A black-out just before the Chemistry exam, and the next day just before the chem. exam a boy from our hall had committed suicide.
Anyway, this time the power-cut was during the day time so there isn’t any need for me to think of things like that happenning again.
Things are getting humid here. And, soon it’ll get a lot hotter too. Kanpur is known for it’s extreme temperatures during the summers and the winters. People have died.
This place is nothing like me home town Bangalore. It’s just paradise on it’s way to destruction (well, in a way). Bangalore’s geography if you notice is kind of unique. It’s located right in between the coastal cities of Chennai and Mangalore. We’re affected by climatic changes in both the seas. Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian sea on the west. And, more importantly, Bangalore is kind of situated at a higher altitude compared to the other cities in the southern country (apart hill stations of course). All in all temperatures do not vary as widely as it does in other inland-cities of this country.