Entertainment Worldly Matters

On Americanisation of India

I’ve hinted in my previous post about Shell. And it’s unlikely that you haven’t heard of the notoriety of Bangalore for being the outsource sink of the US. Everything you see in the past 10 years in India has increasing doses of Americanisation. The Bollywood movies, the English spelling in your TV ads, the vocabulary, the TV shows themselves.

Yes, TV shows. Did you know that there’s a popular Oprah-clone that’s been running in the regional televisions (Tamil and now Kannada) for a few years now? A famous actress is the host (her name is Lakshmi, she was hot in her hayday.) I can see that women and men don’t think or use their brains the same way and sometimes Evolutionary psychologists do manage to explain certain behaviour. But here’s this show which my mom and sis watch a lot, and I know that a lot of other women watch it too. Heck even the show itself has plenty of women in the audience who all seem to – in a creepy sense – enjoy the domestic battle that’s being gladiator’d out in the middle.

Meh. 😐

2 replies on “On Americanisation of India”

i m afraid its an americanization of the entire world rather than india alone … of course u knew that 🙂

the problem with electronic media is that the channels try to sell a successful idea to as many customers as possible.. which is why american idol becomes indian idol.. who wants to be a millionaire becomes kbc … same idea same format… same sellers different buyers.

another interesting fact is that its mostly the urban percentage that is affected which is why it’s probably wrong to assume that we are losing ourselves to america …

I agree that it is the urban population that is first influenced by this but who do the rural people “look up” to? The urban people right? Some of them are so attracted by it that they leave their rural place and even live in urban slums (with DTH connections!) and probably watch television, which – yet again – have those American counterparts we’re talking about. So, ya, more or less everyone gets a dose of it (except, of course, those who can’t afford it.)

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