Software Worldly Matters

One of those things that annoy the hell out of you

This thing has always been annoying me for several years now. Ever since Yahoo! or MSN started their Indian portals, the most prominent ads that were ever showed on these portals were almost always related to matrimony. It’s as if the the target-audience – Indians – are desperately looking for wives wherever they go, even on the internet. There are little or no ads which go “looking for an adult tonight? ;)” but only traditionally clothed brides smiling “marry me, darling”. Just look at this:

Such ads are an insult!
Such ads are an insult!

First, it’s not even an Indian website. Just because my IP is Indian doesn’t mean I should be bombarded with such crap. Ugh, talking about Indian IPs, things such as Yahoo! videos or Pandora (that music-related Web 2.0 thing) don’t work.

Second, just look at the screen real-estate it uses. Orange, fugly ads on my technocrat website.

Third, I haven’t been noticing this nonsense for two years and guess why? All thanks to this highly recommended addon for Firefox called Adblock-Plus (and I haven’t installed it yet on this workstation). And yes, the reason I don’t use Opera is because their adblock thing comes nowhere close to ABP. If I get a comment such as this for this post – I won’t even bother replying to it.