Anime College Life Entertainment Exams

A rock show in the campus!

Yup, that’s the poster of our supposedly first rock-band.
It was a great show. Just like they had promised they started it after 8, atleast 45 minutes after 8 :p
A long wait for the sound tests to succeed and yet the first song gets f***ed up. Soon it was just another show where Mr. X who handles the sound-console is responsible for the unprofessional sound-handling.
The started off with Vishnu’s favorites: Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. And then, we had a taste of White Stripes’ Seven Nation army. The others weren’t too interesting to me.
The end-semester exams are closing in and the thought of which freezes me in time.

sayoonara ^_^

College Life Exams Worldly Matters

A Power-cut

Looks like I’m back again after a long break. The place where I’m currently in, there’re hardly any power-cuts, and very brief ones. But, today was different, it was just like that one which had taken place at around the same part of last semester. A black-out just before the Chemistry exam, and the next day just before the chem. exam a boy from our hall had committed suicide.
Anyway, this time the power-cut was during the day time so there isn’t any need for me to think of things like that happenning again.
Things are getting humid here. And, soon it’ll get a lot hotter too. Kanpur is known for it’s extreme temperatures during the summers and the winters. People have died.
This place is nothing like me home town Bangalore. It’s just paradise on it’s way to destruction (well, in a way). Bangalore’s geography if you notice is kind of unique. It’s located right in between the coastal cities of Chennai and Mangalore. We’re affected by climatic changes in both the seas. Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian sea on the west. And, more importantly, Bangalore is kind of situated at a higher altitude compared to the other cities in the southern country (apart hill stations of course). All in all temperatures do not vary as widely as it does in other inland-cities of this country.

College Life Entertainment Worldly Matters


This is a great place to be.
A nice way to meet people from different parts of the world online. A nice way to interact with people in various “communities” through mostly healthy discussions. But life isn’t that peachy 🙂
As you might have noticed I’m from Bangalore, a city in the mysterious country called India.
India… what a country!

coming back to Orkut. You’ll notice that there are a hell lot of fake profiles and dormant communities. This is the result of people either being too busy to check Orkut or due to the inactivity of those who consider Orkut to be a place where jobless people hang around.
Who knows… I might just be one of them.

Just like how google integrated Gmail and Gtalk I’m waiting for the day when they integrate everything… Gmail + Gtalk + Orkut !
now howz that?

As you might infer from the Screenshot… it looks like Orkut servers are either slacking off or trying out what I was talking about in the earlier paragraph (thinking optimistically :p)

later ^_^