Seriously guys, I don’t understand how some of you out there love mIRC. I couldn’t figure out how to *read* the /topic without having to rejoin the channel =.=
I’ve been using irssi for a long time now (along with its best buddy, screen), for some reason, I’ve had to use mIRC for a couple of days and I’d never want to use it ever again.
Well, thought I’d try one of my first IRC clients that ever worked with HTTP proxy firewalls (such as Squid) – XChat. I downloaded the free version for windows (google “xchat silverex download”) and was up and felt nostalgic in few minutes. No more fail with Japanese encoding and glitch-free copy-paste in Unicode.
But then, I wanted to tweak around with the fonts and sizes a little:
Notice that there are no “units” for the font-sizes. 12 what? Rupees? >_>
Also, notice the placement of the “OK” “Cancel” buttons in the frontmost window and its parent window.
That’s what I call fail.
3 replies on “Of IRC clients and GUI toolkits.”
“Also, notice the placement of the “OK” “Cancel” buttons in the frontmost window and its parent window.
That’s what I call fail.”
lol they might have been made by two diff persons hehe .. or may be he wanted to have some fun 😀
It’s more a mix of the Linux and Windows button placements, actually. Xchat shows its “linuxness” in several other places too.
And naresh, how can you bear those red-coloured windows?
I like red (and black combo).