College Life LAN Linux/BSD Software

Getting Kopete to work* on KDE 3.x

To work* – My work environment’s network is a LAN shared by about 2000 users. We don’t have the neat NAT’ed type connections or transparent proxy setups other universities in the rest of the world enjoy. Our access to the remaining world is through a HTTP caching proxy which supports connect-over-http.

Step 1:
$ sudo aptitude install tor dante-client

Step 2:
$ sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc

Have the following text inside it:

SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections
SocksListenAddress # accept connections only from localhost

HttpProxyAuthenticator username:password

HttpsProxyAuthenticator username:password

Step 3:
$ sudo vim /etc/dante.conf

Add the following:

route {
from: to: via: port = 9050
protocol: tcp udp # server supports tcp and udp.
proxyprotocol: socks_v4 socks_v5 # server supports socks v4 and v5.
method: none #username # we are willing to authenticate via
# method "none", not "username".

You might want to allow from: alone.

Step 4:
$ sudo invoke-rc.d tor restart

Step 5: Go to KDE’s Control Centre and enable SOCKS (select Dante) under Network Settings > Proxy

Step 6: Configure Kopete – use the ip of

Step 7: Get cursed for those extra-spaces Kopete sends by Pidgin users 😛

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