College Life Linux/BSD Software

I’m a linux freak!

i don’t know what to say to myself!
i spend so much time doing stuff with linux…so far i’ve installed and used a shit load of distros!
my first linux distro was redhat9, when i first used the computers in my college, then when i returned home for holidays, i used knoppix, then installed debian-sarge, then suse 9.1, then fedora core 3, and i went back to college, bought a comp there and used mandrake 10.1 too. since my new comp was a amd athlon-64 processor based beast, i was longing to try a 64-bit os, windows? can’t afford now and was still in beta at that time..
so i came across this debian based live-cd kanotix, then came ubuntu 5.4, was quite good with all the latest stuff, but some apps crashed inexplicably!
i had dreamt of getting gentoo up and running but i failed evertime i tried until i went back home for holidays with my new box!
at home i did do a lot of reading *hunting for information*. and finally got gentoo up! hurray!
one of the best parts about gentoo is its package management tool…emerge!
unlike all the redhat and debian based distros i had worked with earlier this gentoo was a source based distro. so you had the gcc optimisation settings, for compiling, in your hands! this simply is a great distro, i should probably write about it sometime later.
and then it was freebsd’s turn to taste my hard drive! got the cd image and got the installer up and voila this second attempt was successful (first one being back in my college, reason for the failure in this case being that i was trying to install freebsd on a logical partition which is not possible, bsds go only on primary partitions)!
today…its time for the me to try out the amd64 port of debian. there are 13 cd images in those mirrors, that i way too much so i decided to go for the netinstall method..
hope it works… as i write 92% of the netinst.iso file has been downloaded. may luck be on myside now…

Entertainment Worldly Matters

Chatting on hi5

now that i have holidays, i spend some time i the night on hi5 chat, i usually stay in lounge 1.
i’ve been using nicks that have managed to get me a lot of “attention” like,
‘god is angry!’, ‘i’m not god!’, ‘balls to racists’, ‘to hell with racists’.
somehow, most of them who personal messaged me (who also happenned to be americans) somehow guessed that i was indian!
some of them guessed that i was indian solely by the nickname i’d used!
there was crazy female from the us who was trying to convince me that racism wasn’t bad!!(this was yesternight!)

news: ‘Racialized medicine’ debate flares
have any of you listened to ‘we are all living in america……america…’ by rammstein ?



my holidays started in early may, and goes on till the end of july.
sleeping a lot during the holidays….wake up at around 11 or 12 !
all my friends back here in bangalore have colleges … none of them are free…
and by the time i pack to go back to my college these guys start their holidays !