
On female drivers in Bangalore

Two accidents involving women driving the car and men on the two wheelers who were the receiving end of the damage.

One happened on last Saturday – around 10:30-ish in the morning; and the other, this morning (10:20-ish).

The woman doesn’t look who’s closing in along with her and takes blind or uninformed turns to the right/left. In both the cases the men who drove the bikes had their bikes on the floor. Fallen. Today’s case was most likely a high velocity impact! The glass of the windows of the car had shattered. Poor guy couldn’t really fight back at the woman. Things like these reinforce popular stereotypes such as “women can’t drive”. Come on! How can someone who’s driving a car not pay attention to who’s driving around the car? Huh?

2 replies on “On female drivers in Bangalore”

This reminds me of the female drivers youtube video circulating in facebook…

And thanks to generous amount of respect given to females men always get the bashings 😀

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